Happy Holi & Happy Easter!!

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This week was a very short one and it had a couple of festivals. First up was Holi. Although it is not celebrated here in Sweden, the spirit was still there. Being from India, which has so many festivals, I cannot let go of Holi. So there was a little bit of color in the air. And the spring flowers added their color to the mix.

Then came the long weekend starting on "Good Friday". Everyone likes holidays. And Linus enjoy's it a lot.

The kids were overwhelmed and excited with the idea of so many days off from school and the fact that they will get to eat so much candy and chocolate during the Easter holidays.

So here's wishing everyone a Happy Easter and great holidays!!

Glad PÃ¥sk!!!


100 days left...

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Just 100 days left until the house arrives... The countdown gets more exciting.


Start of spring season in Sweden

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Spring or VÃ¥r (in Swedish) has started early this year. It feels good to have some sunshine. But it also brings with it lot of viral diseases.

So this week was the week of attending our kids who caught the flu and were sick the whole week. As Ana is still finishing her course she couldn't stay home, so it was my turn to stay home with the kids almost the whole week because I can work from home. I have the possibility to work remotely from home, I think it is one of the perks of working for a multinational IT/Telecom company. But one whole week is too much. And that too when the kids are sick and there is no possibility to go out even for a walk. So I had to keep the kids busy with indoor activities when they were not tired or having fever or sleeping. So it was back to TV, video games, painting & drawing, Lego, etc, etc...
But even these indoor activities are entertaining and show the creativity of the kids. Below are some highlights of our kids' artwork from this week.

That's a Sheep BTW.

Aryan's interpretation of our car and us in it

That is a beach BTW. The blue part is water.


LEGO art by Linus

This week we also had some news about the house. The designers and engineers at Myresjöhus finalized the production details of the house. And here they did the calculation of how much energy our new house shall consume on an average. And the figures are surprisingly good. It is as good as a "passive house". The energy calculations of our new house puts it in the energy class (or energiklass in Swedish) "B". This is considered as one of the best classifications for a house in terms of energy consumption. And given the new regulations in Sweden for new constructions, which states that all new buildings should not exceed limits of energy class "C", our house easily fulfills this criteria. We really feel good about choosing Myresjöhus to build our house as they are the oldest and one of the most technologically advanced companies in the house building domain.


Murphy's law

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Some people are born to be good at certain things and some things are just not meant to be done by certain people. Such is the case of my wife, Ana. Ana is an exceptionally good cook. I mean she just understands how the kitchen chemistry works. You can see it for yourself.

That's the reason why she has decided to become a professional chef. And that's also the reason why we uhmm... Ana decided to have the big induction cooking hob in the new house we are building.
Ana at her cooking school 

My cooking skills on the other hand are so bad, I can hardly prepare an omelet when Ana is not at home and the kids are hungry. To put it in perspective, my cooking is just like this robot trying to kick the ball.

But as good as Ana is with cooking, she is equally bad (or just ignorant) about gadgets. Reading instruction manuals is not her cup of tea. She almost managed to break the new washing machine last time. And this time it was the turn of her poor smart phone. I guess they call them smart phones because it sometimes makes people dumb. For some reason Ana had to remove the SIM card from the phone and then when she tried to put it back... Murphy's law got into action.

Ana kept trying to put the SIM card without any success and not once did she stop to see and think that she was inserting the card holder upside down. So after applying a huge amount of pressure, she managed to insert the SIM card in the phone. The only problem, it was upside down. And due to the tremendous pressure she applied to insert the SIM card in that poor little phone, it damaged the internal contacts, making the phone useless. The phone was still alive, but non-functional.

But, some people are just lucky. No matter what they do, the things just get better for them. Ana broke her phone, and now she has a brand new and even bigger phone.

And I am the one who always takes care of my gadgets and I am stuck with this tiny old crappy phone. I mean just see them side by side.

Damn... why does she have all the luck. But on second thoughts, I think I am pretty lucky myself to have her in my life.


Drawings & Renderings

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It's been a while since we got the final drawings and renderings of the house, Kitchen and Laundry room. So until we get further news about the house from Myresjöhus I thought it is a good time to show the final drawings of the house.

The site map and situation plan:
Site plan: Our's is the corner plot

Position of the house

The Laundry Room:

The Kitchen:

Angle of the kitchen showing one of the kitchen windows

3D view

Cross view

Another 3D view

Fridge, Freezer and side cabinet

Another angle of the kitchen

The exterior of the house:
Front and Right side views

Interior as seen through the walls

Back & Left side views

We still have to finalize the two bathrooms. So I will post those pictures later.

Good night!